Hesitation on Selling? Read this!
So I'm an only child. I grew up in a neighborhood with not a lot of kids, and I wasn't really taught a whole lot about how to make friends.
When I would try and make friends, a lot of times it came across as being starved for attention. Mom and Dad tried pointing it out to me, but none of us were really sure how to prevent that from happening.
The result almost always was that kids would take advantage of my niceness.
I never had many really good friends, but also didn't have the ability or the knowledge to go meet more, and get amongst the right kinds of people until I was well into my teens.
Fast forward to fairly recently: I used to have a major hesitation with selling, with emailing about offerings, or with raising my prices.
What I realized was that I've finally broken past that, and have for awhile, but didn't realize why until just last week: I figured out how to get amongst groups of the right kind of people.
When you know how to find wads of the right folks, it's a lot more empowering to sell.
When you know what you're selling can help and bless people in a big way, that's encouraging.
When some people indicate they don't want to hear from you anymore though? That's fine - for every person you lose out of your circle, you might gain 10 or 100 more.
In the face of those numbers, does that mean you can sell? Yes!
It's ok to have people exit your sphere of influence. You know how and where to find more. Whole lot less scary.
If you're feeling hesitation about selling anything, could it be that you're not sure how to find more of those same kind of people?
Are you surrounding yourself with an ecosystem of people who are a right fit for you, not because of what you're selling but because you're you?
If not, and you start, you'll be amazed how big a lift that takes off of you.
Michael Fritzius
Hesitation on Selling? Read this!
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