DNA, the blueprint of life, carries the instructions that define who we are, not just physically but on a deeply spiritual - Metaphysical - level. In the MASSAAH'G Bodywork and Coaching Collective, we view DNA as a reflection of the divine Spirit-Source of Creation.
DNA is structured in a double helix, a symbol of connection and communication, and it encodes the very essence of life.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid =
-Di/De - two; the Spirit-Soul Source of creation.
-Dio/Deo= God
-Oxy = Oxygen/Breath
Ribo= Ribosome; also - Rabi, or Master, or Teacher
-Nucleic= center
Acid = Firey Water
DNA resides at the core of every cell, a SACRED and complex code from the burning center of our SPIRIT-SOUL connection. This fuels our trifecta of growth and healing in mind-body-spirit-and truth
Drinking living water unlocks the fullest potential of our cells.
GOD, as the MASTER TEACHER in JESUS name, is the divine force that exemplifies, guides, and nurtures our JOURNEY in mind, body, and spirit here on earth. Just as DNA communicates the instructions for our physical development, GOD’s wisdom and energy shapes our spiritual, physical, and emotional growth from our DNA.
The "burning center" symbolizes the spark of life that ignites within us the moment we are conceived; the same way DNA directs the intricate processes within our cells during this time.
Our bodies are composed largely of water, which not only sustains life but also carries within it the vibrational frequency of the divine. Water, in its purity, mirrors the flow of energy and creation that connects us to the God-Spirit- SOURCE of creation. Just as DNA operates in the watery environment of our cells, constantly communicating and orchestrating life, the divine presence of spirit and truth operates at the core of our being, guiding our healing and transformation every day in every way.
“The spirit and the bride say, ‘Come,’ to all who are thirsty, say, ‘Come.’ To all who desire, come and drink freely from the WATER of LIFE.” Revelation 22:17
The healing and alternative medicinal modalities in MASSAAH'G—massage therapy, exercise, nutrition, hypnotherapy, plant and herbal Medicine with awakening mindset strategies— works to enlighten and nurture the “burning center of our watery being.”
By addressing the health of our nervous system, the literal communication pathway of God, the Spirit-Source creator, to our body - we create harmony in the mind, body, AND spirit. This allows our DNA to function optimally. This balance opens the door to a deeper connection with GOD, aligning our physical existence with divine purpose within the “still small voice” Of our intuition.
“The life of the flesh is in the BLOOD”
Healing is a divine gift. I hope we all can embrace this beautiful gift someday, soon. These are Just some thoughts that come up every so often in conversations within the JOURNEY of MASSAAHG.
Together, when our HEARTS unite with the spirit of compassion with truth and love burning at the center of our being, we can bridge the gap between spirit and science, truly transforming the world by touching one heart at a time ❤️
I hope this message finds you well and helps to inform, inspire, encourage, and liberate you in spirit and truth.
Sending prayers your way! Always.
AMMN 🙏🏻🐞🌻🕊️🫶🏻
Alyssa Nelson
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