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133 contributions to Business Leaders Network
Why you might not be getting as many podcast guest opps
Hey check it out: one of the reasons why you might not be getting as many opportunities to guest on podcasts is because it's TOO HARD for the host. And you might not be trying to make it hard. But if you're relying on speaker kits, one sheets, pitch videos and everything else, that may not be doing the trick. The easier it is for a host to decide you're a good fit, the more opps you'll get. The way to make it easier? Share a STORY. Instead of sharing all about your background and accolades, come ready to speak knowledgably about an experience you had, that you lived through, that you know how you changed when you came out the other side. Package that up, and success is within grasp. Actually, scratch that last part: let me do that for you. FOR FREE. I would love to interview you to unpack one of your stories and turn it into a Story Kit. From there, we'll feature it on our site in a directory that makes it easy for a host to find an awesome guest in under 60 seconds. One of those guests could be you. If you'd like to spend 30 minutes with me unpacking your story, let's get it on the books.
Guess who showed up at our last mixer!
It's Chef Boyardee. One of our daughters figured out how to put filters on people when taking pics with my phone. I'll try to sneak one of these in the next BLN publication if Kelly isn't watching.
Guess who showed up at our last mixer!
Content Reuse: Selling Workshop Recordings
About a week ago a colleague mentioned that another way to monetize workshops is by selling the recordings. Not everybody knows about the workshop or couldn't make it, but having a lower-cost access to the recordings. As I'm working on building out the other 4 workshops for 2025 I'm excited about having a repository of the most current recordings for each, and updating after the live workshop is wrapped up. Having a series of workshops like this is a powerful way to have an ongoing set of knowledge to share - it's reusing content multiple times and in multiple ways. Hard to convey how much I'm geeking out about this. I don't think this particular thought pattern would've happened if it hadn't been for BLN.
Turn On Your Sales Faucet
Do you feel like sales calls come and go? Some weeks it's super crazy and then other weeks it's just dead? It doesn't have to be that way. What if you could turn on the sales calls like a faucet and have a steady stream of them coming in when you needed it? It's not a far off idea. It does require you to be clear on your offer, what problem it solves, and be able to create two-step posts to get people to raise their hand. This is near and dear to all of us at BLN - sales are the lifeblood of any business. And if you missed the training call today (and you're at least an Elite member!) you can access them in the Classroom. Find out today's awesome strategy to get calls booked with YOU in control!
5 Connection Calls? How about interviews? :D
With this week's challenge being to book 5 connection calls, I'd like to take it a step further: let me interview you so I can build one Story Kit for you for free, and help you land more podcast guest opportunites! In 30 minutes I'll help unpack a really big story in your life, and put it together in a format that makes it easy for a host to see what you'd bring to their show. Would you like to grab some time to share your story with me? Book a time here
New comment 16d ago
2 likes • 20d
I know for a fact @Maureen Kendall and @Rebekah Hope have awesome stories. I have a sneaking suspicion @Tonja Neal-Haas @Christa Pepper and @Dave Chametzky do too :)
1 like • 19d
@Dave Chametzky let's giggity get it booked! Link is above
1-10 of 133
Michael Fritzius
217points to level up
Balancing & Exactly Zero, I'm all about business, podcasts, and living clean with my wife Charlotte.

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 6, 2024
St. Louis
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