Join us to connect with TSC members and thriving businesses valued between £1M to £50M, so that we can expand your reach and uncover new opportunities and share invaluable insights and strategies.
This group is accessible to TSC business owners and founders. A core group you can trust, a private community you can learn from, rely on and celebrate with.
Our mission is to build a valuable, engaged community for high-growth founders among the Technology Supply Chain Members.
As humans, we naturally crave belonging and connection to something larger than ourselves. It's part of our evolutionary heritage. In the past, we found this through tribal bonds and shared activities.
To help us on that journey, we're guided by our four C.O.R.E. Values. These values are Confidentiality, Openness, Respect, and Energising they are critical to the community thriving. Each member agrees to a core value pledge before they join.
Every member has built a business so we're in great company.