Write something
Are You Getting Better Every Day?
I made this comparison of life being a hike you have never done and how on that hike you put one foot in front of the other following this trail that you have never been on not knowing what will be on the path but having the certainty that this path will take you to the top of the mountain or your ideal self.
New comment Sep '24
Make Buisness A Game
What do you think is the best mental framework when come to creating a company like Tesla, Facebook, Nvidia, and Amazon?
New comment Sep '24
Time Blocks
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Morning routine and coffee 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: High-priority tasks (Quadrant 1) 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch and short break 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Important, non-urgent tasks (Quadrant 2) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Team leadership and community engagement 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Delegated tasks and follow-ups (Quadrant 3) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Personal development and planning for the next day This is how I am going about my day so that I am no longer in the question of what I am doing or should I be doing this right now. Is it something that you use?
New comment Sep '24
What Does Success Mean To You?
There is something so beautiful about life when you realize, what that is for you. This changes the perspective in you. I genuinely think that everyone can live a life that they are excited to wake up to. Take some time to genuinely think of what that means to you. Share your Ideas🧠
New comment Sep '24
What Does Health Mean To You?
Imagine yourself in perfect health, how you would look, how would you feel, and how would you interact with people. Find exactly what it means to be healthy to the point where it is perfect in your opinion. What does it mean for you to be in perfect health?
New comment Sep '24
1-7 of 7
Business Discuss
Discussing the Philosophy of Business. The Thinking, Formatting, and Belief one should have when creating a business. Lets Cross-Polinate Ideas.
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