Welcome to The Clinic | Business Builders
Welcome to Business Builders!
Hello everyone,
I’m thrilled to welcome you to the Business Builders community! This is your go-to place for sharing ideas, learning new strategies, and growing your business. Our mission is to help you develop the skills and mindset needed to achieve sustainable success in your entrepreneurial journey.
Getting Started:
  1. Introduce Yourself: We’d love to get to know you! Post a quick introduction about who you are, what your business is, and what you hope to achieve in this group. Share a picture of yourself too so we can all put a face to the name.
  2. Explore the Platform: Familiarize yourself with Skool.com’s features. Check out the community forums, resources, and course materials available to you.
  3. Engage and Participate: The more you participate, the more you’ll gain. Ask questions, share your experiences, and offer support to fellow members.
  4. Book your 15 minute onboarding call. Completely free - book a call with me and let me help you get your questions answered and get the most out of the group. Book your call now here:
Best Practices for Success:
  • Be Active: Regularly check in, participate in discussions, and attend live Q&A sessions. Active engagement will help you stay motivated and connected.
  • Utilize Resources: Make use of the resources and templates provided. They are designed to give you practical tools to implement in your business.
  • Stay Organized: Use the platform’s features to keep track of your progress and stay organized. Set goals and track your achievements.
  • Network: Connect with other members. Networking is a powerful tool for business growth, and this community is a great place to start.
  • Stay Positive: This is a supportive and positive space. Encourage one another and celebrate successes together.
What’s Next: To kick things off, make an intro post, tell us about yourself, and then go browse the categories and topics and like whichever posts you find relevant. Then jump into the classroom where you can start with the basics in the course "Business Basics" This will lay the foundation for your journey and set you up for success in the coming weeks.
Be sure to check the calendar and add the weekly Q&A sessions.
Thank you for being a part of Business Builders. Together, we’ll share, learn, and grow!
The Small Business Surgeon
Samuel Smith
Welcome to The Clinic | Business Builders
The Clinic | Business Builders
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