Bubble.io Community
Private group
29 members
Welcome to my Bubble.io Community! Your journey of becoming a Professional Bubble Developer does not need to be a lonely one. Here, we share what we know and support each other in growing our businesses and careers using the world's leading No-Code Platform - Bubble.io in order to build Digital Solutions either for ourselves or for others.
Most videos or courses in this community are free. However, if you wish to engage me as your personal coach or mentor because you have a specific project that needs to be built quickly, drop me a message and we can discuss details including fees and deliverables.
Lastly, there is a group call scheduled on a weekly basis (if I am not on holiday :) ), feel free to join and ask any questions. Just check out the Calendar section of this community.
P.S! An important disclaimer: This is a private group and is not associated with or representing Bubble.io. Meaning that the opinions and content shared here are not endorsed by Bubble.io.
Let's rock !
Bubble.io Community
We discuss everything about building no-code apps with Bubble.io - the world's leading No-Code platform.
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