2/1 - Picture Updates - Free App "LiveCollage"
If you have not done at lease a 2nd picture check-in, this would be a good time. A lot of times in this process, we may not realize that we are changing as much as we are. If you are someone who is now hitting protein numbers, who was having a hard time prior, even if the scale has moved much, you'll be surprised to see how much your body has adjusted.
A few key points to look for are:
Any skin folds in the mid back
Love handles above shorts/pants
Belly button
Shoulder/arm definition
If you were already lean coming in, check for improved vascularity and muscle separation.
Happy to review these with you. The free app that I use for picture comparisons is called "Live Collage"
  1. Are you feeling any change?
  2. Are you noticing any changes in strength, recovery, sleep?
  3. After you've done your comparison, was there anything you were suprised to see?
Bryce Wood
2/1 - Picture Updates - Free App "LiveCollage"
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