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Townhouse Developers - Canada
The real estate investing options for the masses typically cater to lower/middle income earners who are end up replacing their current job with a new job (fixing up properties). BRRR’s, fix and flip, wholesaling, are good for beginners who are looking to make a few thousand dollars a property. But, if you’re already earning a high 6 or 7 figure income, owning a rental property with crappy tenants to make a few hundred dollars a month is unlikely going to move the needle for you. Most high income earners, are looking for a way to replace $20k/months+ without having a 2nd job. Which means, they need assets that are both predictable and low effort. I’ve spent the last 20 years investing in real estate, buying and selling several hundred million in my own projects; fix and flipping, wholesaling, building spec homes, BRRR’s, value add multifamily, retail & industrial developments, private mortgages, land development, mobile homes and pretty much every option out there. I had mixed results - if the timing was right, some of these investments did very well (7 figures). But, in some situations, I worked for years and lost money. Since 2003 I've gained a holistic perspective on investing in real estate. It is not to say this is the best or only way to invest. There is no 1 way to invest. But, building townhomes for rent checks the boxes for me: Predictable and Steady cash flow from assets I’m proud to own. Build to Rent Townhouses attract high quality tenants that pay premium rents, stay longer and take better care of my properties. Now, if you’re wondering, why would I share this ‘secret’ with you? I don’t really think it’s a secret. In Calgary, where I live and am a partner in a construction company, we build 300-450 townhouses a year for ourselves and our clients. Because I get emails and phone calls every week from investors looking to do their first development, it’s become clear that there is very little information out there to help aspiring developers.
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Build  To Rent Townhouses
Sharing my journey of investing, developing and building townhouses for rent in Canada
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