Broke Millionaire
Private group
2 members
$99 /month
Stop wasting your most valuable commodity, time. Focus on investing in your purpose, yourself, and your business. "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man" - Jay-Z
WARNING - This is not for everyone. Application process is required - We value the the daily G.R.I.N.D. over the shine of the dollar.
G - Guts
R - Relentless
I - Intensity
N - No Excuses
D - Discipline
  • Never accept "good enough." Pushing when everyone else tells you to stop.
  • Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever, never giving up, even when logic says you should.
  • When your mind whispers doubt, let your intensity answer back.
  • Excuses are just lies you tell yourself. Own your shortcomings, then overcome them.
  • Continuous Improvement. Kaizen Practice.
  • Today is the day to become a Broke Millionaire .
Broke Millionaire
Redefine wealth, not by your bank account but by the grit and grind of your daily life, we value the sweat of ambition over the shine of a dollar.
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