Welcome! Introduce yourself + share a pic of your collection 🎉
Let's get to know each other! Comment below sharing where you are in the world, a photo of your collection, your favorite things to do with LEGO, and something you like to do that has nothing to do with LEGO. Here's a simple template for you to use! 👋 Hey, LEGO Enthusiasts! I'm [Name]! Hi, my name is __________, and I live in __________. 🧱 I joined Brick Wealth Enthusiast because I want to: 1. ie.) Learn how to turn my LEGO passion into a profitable side hustle. 2. ie.) Connect with others who love LEGO as much as I do. 3. ie.) Get creative ideas and tips on reselling and organizing LEGO collections! ⚡My favorite things to do with LEGO are: 1. [Hobby #1] 2. [Hobby #2] 3. [Hobby #3] ⚡ When I’m not building with LEGO, I enjoy: 1. [Hobby #1] 2. [Hobby #2] 3. [Hobby #3]