Breakup King
Private group
25 members
$47 /month
Welcome To The Breakup King Skool Community,
A Safe Space for men going through a breakup who want to win their ex back.
Here’s What You Get Access To:
✅ Ex Back Masterplan (Valued $497)
✅ Text/Script & Templates (Valued $297)
✅ Conversation Reviews (Valued $297)
✅ Community Access (Valued $197)
✅ Weekly Live Calls and Q&As with Rafa (Valued $750)
And much more…
All of this is worth $2,000+
But for a limited time only: $49/month
⚠️ After the next 50 people join, it will never be this price again.
  • Release Price (July 1st) - $47/m
  • Next Price - $97/m
✅ Join now to save your spot at $47/month.
Breakup King
An Exclusive Community For Men Learning How To Navigate A Breakup And Win Their Ex Back In 30-60 Days Or Less.
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