As a member you have access to:
A Community of like-minded, empathetic people going through challenging breakup situations for support and to feel less alone
Support from my Accredited Breakup & Divorce Coaches who will host the community and are on hand to offer advice, tips and tools and to answer questions.
An e-book copy of my book The Split: From Breakup To Breakthrough In 30 Days Or Less
Access to Breakup Breakthrough videos which have helped hundreds of people worldwide.
Important: Coaching is not counselling, psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. We don't provide mental health services or advice. It is not a substitute for appropriate professional advice and it's your responsibility to seek legal, medical, financial, business, mental health or other appropriate advice.
You are responsible for your actions - you must consider whether suggested tools and strategies are appropriate to your situation and take professional advice to ensure your actions don't adversely affect you or others.