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Hello Everyone ,My store manager is into website designing and he's available to design and set-up a website for FREE just to build his portfolio . Interested? DM
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Day #2 agenda & making posts in here
Hey Break Room Crew, Today's agenda is cranking out some modules and giving you the lowdown on how this group rolls. We're here to throw in everything that's happening in our day-to-day. The whole point is sharing stuff that's actually moving the needle in our businesses.We're gonna dig into the real talks, like how ad spends are going and what's actually working. For instance, Facebook ad costs for me are super high right now with those CPMs through the roof. Google ads feels like I’m wrestling with AI to find a strategy that sticks. And Instagram… don’t even get me going. Forget about your content getting seen like it used to. My Awake Happy posts used to hit half of my 35k followers. Now, I’m lucky if 10% see them. It feels defeating for sure, having to pay to reach your own audience and then crafting an even sharper offer for ads. SMS & email is where it’s at for me and Matt right now. We’re planning to share the deep dives and the gritty stuff we’re encountering. But here’s where you come in. This group thrives on us sharing. Got something easy going on, or maybe you hit a snag? How are you driving sales today? I’m all ears and pumped to see this community evolve. Let’s make this space our collective brainstorming lounge. Share your bits, and let’s navigate these waters together. See you around, Devon
Day #2 agenda & making posts in here
Quick Status Report
Matt & I decided to start this group literally Saturday. Matt didn’t even know this platform existed 4 days ago. We decided to move quickly because we both need a group like this right now. Add and socials are struggling across the board and we need to band together. Today we decided on the name of this group, Break Room. I created the initial classroom outline, made the logo, made the about page artwork, and made the first 3 videos for module 1. Expect more videos tomorrow and Thursday and to see more faces trickling in here. We plan on having google meet sessions regularly to sync up and check in on where people are at with things. Thank you for being here with us. So far it’s just @Jayashri Triolo! Haha welcome. You’re #1!! 🤙 As you join please drop a post introducing yourself and sharing your business 🤙
Quick Status Report
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The Breakroom
Public group
A place for young, ethical ecommerce founders to swap creative marketing strategies. Grow with spiritually aligned peers in a mission-driven community
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