How to MAKE REELS that Hook The Viewer.
Want to know how to make better hooks?
This account is an EXCELLENT example of how to hook an audience and never let go.
CHARLIE LAWRENCE gets thousands if not Millions of views on EVERY video.
And it's because of a 3-Step Formula.
"90% of the video is in the first 5 seconds."
  1. Visual Hook: make it snappy, visually interesting, and beautiful.
  2. Verbal Hook: Tone of Voice. A great Delivery. Speaking well (ups and downs in energy)
  3. Written Hook: Don't be boring. get right into it. deliver value in second #1.
Deliver on that Hook
So thinking about your whole strategy, think about the hook like a youtube thumbnail.
When thinking about applying this to YouTube, i will be testing out something similar but on youtube.
What is YOUR best performing IG REEL?
Jeffrey Buoncristiano
How to MAKE REELS that Hook The Viewer.
Minimal Work.
Maximum Profit.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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