Basic Rate Card - No Social Media Following
I wanted to share with you a basic rate card that I use when someone asks me to do a video WITHOUT sharing to my social media. This can be because they want to use it on their website, as an ad, or on their social media but don't want to pay my Influencer prices. UGC - Feel free to use and copy my Rate Card for those of you doing UGC but don't have a rate card done yet. Let me know if you have any questions. Business Owners - When you're hiring UGC Content Creators, influencers, etc - ask them for their rate card. The creator will have a base rate and then depending on what you would like to see in your campaign, there will be additional prices. For example, if you'd like additional CTA's (Call to Actions), additional hooks, other locations, maybe another person in the video - these can be done but usually there will be an extra charge associated with it.