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How the Bitcoin Halving works
Hey all, I'm a crypto lover and have been one for close to a decade. 👋 I spoke with Ted recently and he suggested I share some of my Bitcoin related posts here, so I thought I'd start with this one on the Bitcoin Halving. It's from my blog here and you can also find it in my crypto community. This post is on how the Bitcoin Halving works from a technical standpoint, let me know your thoughts in the comments ... **Every 210,000 blocks, around 4 years, Bitcoin's block rewards get halved.** TLDR: - Bitcoin Halvings are pre-programmed and halve the block rewards every 4 years. Earlier this year at block number 840,000 we had the 4th halving! - The halving code is incredibly simple and elegant, it’s only 6 lines of code and you can learn how it works by reading below. - The result is that Bitcoin’s supply curve approximates precious metals like gold, with most of the coins mined early and them being harder to mine over time. - Price has historically gone up after a halving, one of the key factors is the impact on miners who are forced to sell less BTC. - This past halving we also had the release of Bitcoin Runes, a new fungible token standard on Bitcoin created by the Casey Rordamor who created Ordinals. If you’ve been in Bitcoin long enough you’ll know most of this, but you may not have taken a look at the code behind it as we will below. . **Bitcoin Halving** Bitcoin is programmed to produce 1 new block on average every 10 minutes. For each new block mined, miners are allowed to reward themselves a maximum “block subsidy” in a transaction known as the “coinbase transaction” that sits at the start of a block and essentially creates new Bitcoin out of nothing. This coinbase transaction is super important because it’s what introduces new Bitcoin into the overall system and is known as mining new Bitcoin! In principle miners can introduce less than the maximum “subsidy” but that would be silly because they’d be rewarding themselves less, so they practically always mine the full block reward.
New comment 21m ago
How the Bitcoin Halving works
Bitcoin IS the exit strategy.
A lot of people ask me when I'll sell my Bitcoin. My answer: "Sell and buy what?" The goal isn't to sell Bitcoin and hold cash 😆 Cash is trash. Goal is to take as much cash as possible and exit into Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the destination. If I want a house I can rent it. If I want a car I can sign a lease. As long as seeing an ROI on an asset is my goal, I'll never sell my Bitcoin and buy any other asset. Bitcoin is the apex asset of the human race. Selling Bitcoin to invest in any other asset is, in the words of Michael Saylor, "selling the winner to buy the loser." 🥂
New comment 36m ago
First party hats... and now bitcoin?
I was first introduced to the idea of Economics through a game called Runescape when I was 12 years old. Runescape features an in-game economy containing money (coins) and items that have prices which are set by the players who build or acquire the items. You can collect coins by doing stuff and then buy items with your coins from other players. Party hats (featured below) are one of the few "finite" items in the game, but the coins are infinite, and easy to come by. As a result of the coins being infinite and easy to come by, and the party hats being finite, the party hats quickly became worth billions. Why? 1 word: Inflation. When there's more and more money in circulation over time, players have more and more money to spend. This increase in available money means players are willing to pay more for the items they desire, including rare and prestigious items like party hats. And party hat sellers, knowing that buyers have more money, raise their prices accordingly. What does this remind me of? Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a finite item (there will only ever be 21 million of them) like party hats, and fiat currency is infinite (our government has a literal money printing machine) like the coins in Runescape. Because bitcoin is a finite item like party hats, bitcoin can only grow in price like party hats. If you watch the video below you can learn more about how the party hats in Runescape grew to be so valuable. As you watch, you'll see the similarities between party hats and bitcoin.
New comment 13h ago
First party hats... and now bitcoin?
Before you invest in bitcoin...
I would suggest doing at least 10 hours of research on it so you don't make any dumb mistakes or get scammed. You can start here. The entire classroom is FULL of everything you need to know about bitcoin.
New comment 1d ago
Trezor is dangerous if others can gain access your hardware and there are some issues around Ledger too.. read on..
The single best option for cold storage. Chose Coldcard not Trezor or ledger for this reason: Here is a video of a Trezor being cracked , this is put out by Kraken security team. There is reason to believe that Ledger also has some issues around the “Ledger Recover” feature that has not been rolled out yet. Just fyi… Coldcard is trick but I have absolutely loved setting this up and feel it’s rock solid.
New comment 1d ago
Trezor is dangerous if others can gain access your hardware and there are some issues around Ledger too.. read on..
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