Step 2 - Parts Work (Teaching)
Unlock at Level 2
Step 2 - Parts Work (Teaching)
Embark on your transformative healing journey by delving into the intricate dynamics of psychological fragmentation and the profound realm of your subconscious. Gain insights into the facets of your personality that have been forged and concealed amidst the depths of traumatic encounters and conditioning. By unraveling these hidden aspects and effectively engaging with them, you will pave the way for internal harmony, enabling remarkable strides in all spheres of your life. This encompasses your physical and mental well-being, financial prosperity, professional growth, and the nurturing of fulfilling connections.
Step 3 - Parts Work (Exercise)
Unlock at Level 2
Step 3 - Parts Work (Exercise)
Step 3 - Parts Work (Exercise)
Step 4 - The Hearts Compass (Teaching)
Unlock at Level 3
Step 4 - The Hearts Compass (Teaching)
Here you will learn how to tap into the wisdom of your heart and connect to your inner guidance system. You will learn to align your actions with your purpose and values, allowing you to move through life with a sense of direction. This module will help you understand the difference between the head and the heart, and how to navigate the two in harmony. You will learn various techniques and exercises that will help you access the intuitive wisdom of your heart, and develop the ability to trust and act on it.
Step 5 - The Hearts Compass (Meditations)
Unlock at Level 3
Step 5 - The Hearts Compass (Meditations)
In these meditations, you will be shown different tools and techniques to connect with your heart in order to access valuable information about the orientation of your heart and the next steps to take in your life.
Step 6 - Trauma & The Inner Child (Teaching)
Unlock at Level 3
Step 6 - Trauma & The Inner Child (Teaching)
This module provides a comprehensive and in-depth approach to understanding and healing trauma. During this lesson you'll learn about trauma through a holistic lens, including the connection between trauma, metaphysics, science, and biology. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how trauma can affect the inner child and the impact it has on your life.
Step 7 - Souls Purpose (Teaching)
Unlock at Level 3
Step 7 - Souls Purpose (Teaching)
Here you will delve into the mysteries of the soul, uncovering its deepest desires and understanding its role in your life. You will also learn about the interconnected relationship between three levels of awareness - the personality, the Soul, and God. And how the Soul is using your physical life to get closer to itself.
Step 8 - Souls Purpose (Meditation)
Unlock at Level 3
Step 8 - Souls Purpose (Meditation)
This hypnotic meditation will take you on a journey into the aspects of yourself that hold wisdom about the larger agenda of your Soul.
Step 10 - The Hero's Journey (FT)
Unlock at Level 4
Step 10 - The Hero's Journey (FT)
The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell is a narrative framework that can be found in many myths, stories, and spiritual traditions. It is essentially a map of the journey of the hero, who leaves their familiar world, goes through a series of trials and tests, and emerges transformed and empowered. By using the hero's journey as a framework, you can help your clients understand their own journey and the steps they need to take to achieve their desired outcome. It will give them a sense of direction and purpose and it will also allow you to help them identify and overcome obstacles.
Step 11 - Spiral Dynamics (FT)
Unlock at Level 4
Step 11 - Spiral Dynamics (FT)
The Grand Model of Spiral Dynamics is a framework that explains the evolution of human values, beliefs, and behavior across cultures and through time. Developed by Dr. Clare W. Graves, it suggests that human development is not linear but follows a series of stages or levels, each building on the previous one. As a coach, this model can help you understand where your clients are coming from, what drives them, and how to facilitate change in a more effective way. It can also help you see yourself more clearly and highlight any shadows that might still be hiding in the background of your psyche.
Step 12 - Self Enquiry (FT)
Unlock at Level 4
Step 12 - Self Enquiry (FT)
Self-inquiry, also known as "vichara," is the practice of paying constant attention to the inner awareness of the "I" or "I am," as taught by Ramana Maharshi. He believed that this method is the most efficient and direct way to understand the unreality of the "I" thought. Self-inquiry eventually leads to an effortless awareness of 'being' and by staying with it, the "I" gradually destroys the underlying beliefs that cause the "I" thought to arise in the first place. Ultimately, this process leads to Self-realization or liberation, where the "I" thought never arises again.
Step 13 - The Fear of Success (FT)
Unlock at Level 4
Step 13 - The Fear of Success (FT)
Many fear success more than they fear the dark. Join this group dojo in which Holly guides some of the students going through 'Facilitator Training' through numerous methods for resolve fear.
Step 14 - Premium Bonus 馃挍馃捀
Unlock at Level 5
Step 14 - Premium Bonus 馃挍馃捀
Unlock the premium calendar in order to gain access to the weekly calls, as well as claim other bonuses and discounts for making it to level 5.
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