Recap: Zoom Meeting 8-26-24
A deep dive into video sets, locations, color selection and different effects of camera lenses, Ivan explained how each component delivers a different supportive emotional element to you videos. Interesting content is the main key in any video. Combined with the right "language" added from your setup will convey the videos emotional intent as early as the thumbnail and title.
Content creation while ON camera was also discussed. In real life without a camera we tend to act and talk quite naturally. While on-camera, sometimes its difficult because the camera replaces any people you directly interact with. Developing a clear format structure and delivery structure for your content helps you speak into the camera easily with more authenticity.
Key take aways:
1) Think about what emotions and messages you want to deliver to the audience. What set-up elements help support these emotions? What colors, edit cuts, lights / shadows will reinforce your emotions and keep your video interesting? Your content holds the answer to these questions.
2) Its far more important to create a simple video that's "ok" looking that delivers massive value than it is to have a perfect video with weak content. The audience wants value. Bad video can be forgiven. Bad audio and bad content drive your audience away.
3) A simple 3-part content structure for the first 30 seconds of your video was given:
Pain - Process - Transformation
It is designed to be 3-4 sentences and tells the audience what pain your addressing, what the process is to fix it and what the transformation outcome follows. Here are 2 examples:
"Beginner Content Creators struggle with making great videos on budget friendly equipment. I teach a simple process to optimize their equipment settings so they can feel confident their videos look professionally done without a production team."
"Many people with two jobs struggle with weight gain. I help them structure their time and create nutritious pre-made meals at home for their lunch box so they can prevent weight gain, increase overall health and eliminate the anxiety caused by NOT having time to exercise."
Lastly, to act more natural in front of the camera takes practice. Sometimes it's easier to deliver your content as if someone had asked you a question in real life. How would you speak, move, make eye contact etc... This technique can help if you're struggling to become more natural on camera.
Be there next week! these meetings are GOLD!
Aaron M
Recap: Zoom Meeting 8-26-24
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