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Welcome to the PM Lucas Coaching Community. The ultimate goal of this group is to enrich lives through enhanced personal and business relationships. Our mission is to empower small business owners and professionals by fostering courage, compassion, and clarity. We specialize in helping individuals overcome emotional distress and anxiety, ultimately leading to enhanced personal and business success and fulfillment. Collectively, Its about making a difference for someone else. Its about helping each other and connecting with like minded great thinkers and people persons, to grow and succeed together. I really hope you enjoy the group and get a lot of value out of it. Remember, the value we receive is in fair exchange for the value we give, so where we are all aiming to give to our best degree, we can expect to receive in the same degree. Have fun and enjoy the connections, educational and guidance material, coaching services and courses and as the community grows, we all grow. To start with, please comment below and let us know; 1. Your name 2. Where you are from, and; 3. A current project or what you are focussing on And please contact me here if there is anything you need help with. Paul Lucas
New comment Sep '23
Saying of the Day
"It is not about what we is about how we do it. It is about finding the love in ourselves, in what we do, that matters" ~Dan Millman - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior~
New comment Oct '23
Saying of the Day
Great Webinar Session Yesterday
Another incredible webinar with David and team yesterday. Got so much out of it, especially gained much more clarity and direction with where we are going and how we are going to get there. Stay the course and keep learning and growing but most importantly to apply the knowledge and wisdom David and team is passing on. Here is one of my 50 insta-posts although doing some more now on local businesses. Any comments much appreciated but I reckon not too bad for a first crack :)
New comment Oct '23
Great Webinar Session Yesterday
Quote of the Day - Values and Life Alignment
"Your values are your inner compass, guiding you toward a life that is authentic and aligned with your true self. When you honor your values in every decision and action, you create a life that resonates with your soul's purpose, and that is where true fulfillment and success reside." ~unknown - based on the work of Dr John Demartini~
New comment Oct '23
Quote of the Day - Values and Life Alignment
Courses Coming Soon
Announcing we have two courses built for the community combing soon! Stay Tuned..
New comment Oct '23
Courses Coming Soon
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