Hello! First of all, thank you for you support. Welcome to my little corner of the internet! It is my hope that this is where your support of me ends and my support of you begins! I've been writing for a while, and it has been the single most therapuetic thing in my life. Trouble with parents? Write. School sucks? Write. Relationship problems? Write (then run to my girlfriend and apologize for writing). Writing has always been there for me and because of this, I have always been there for others with the written word. I figure now is as good a time as any to turn that into something worth giving to the world. So join me on this quest to bring more words to the world. Words not yet written. Words that YOU want to share. Words that deserve an audience. Words that are just behind closed doors. As an introduction, let's just do a quick questionnaire: Favorite Book Book that changed your life Favorite author Favorite person in this world Favorite word What do you want out of joining this group?