Need your help!
I plan to launch a 4-Week Basketball Boot Camp
Its an online training program / community that will help players prepare for the upcoming season.
4 weeks
Guidance on what to do at home
Drills / Structure / Group Accountability
Weekly Webinar Calls
Community Support
Will do a group for Middle School age. Potentially HS
Will start at 1 cohort, and build from there
When "advertising" or reaching out to potential participants, I have put together 3 statements describing what it is.
Would love to get your vote on the best one? Which would peak your interest the most?
Or if you have feedback, shoot me a private message on how I can make it better.
Will keep it to about 8-10 participants for the first cohort.
Thank you for your help!!
"Unlock your potential with our free, 4-week online training program. This exclusive program ensures you're ready for the season ahead. Connect and grow with a private community of like-minded athletes and stay accountable every step of the way."
"Join our exclusive, free 4-week online training program designed to get you ready for the season. Connect with a private community of athletes and stay accountable throughout your personalized at-home workouts."
“Do you want your child to develop stronger training habits? Our exclusive, free 4-week online training program offers a private community and accountability, ensuring they're ready for the upcoming season."
2 votes
Lyle Wolf
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