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Introduce Yourself!
Please take a few minutes and introduce yourself Information related to: - Your Name - Age of your child / children - How long they have played basketball? - What are you wanting to learn more about? Excited you are here!!
New comment Jul 2
A Parent's Perspective
Would love to hear the perspective of the parents that have, or have had, an athlete high school age and older in this forum!! Regardless of your child's talent, what is it that you value most in a sport coach? And what is it that you have the hardest time separating from personally while your child is participating in his/her sport?
New comment 1d ago
Shout out šŸŽ™ļøšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼
Howā€™s everyone doing?? Wanted to give a shout out to one of our members (Josh Green). His son Xavier is a dual sports athlete in Dallas, TX. Xavier is off to a GREAT start to the football season Iā€™ve included a tweet that highlights one of his games a few weeks ago Congrats Josh! Happy for X! Keep up the great work ā€¼ļø
New comment 2d ago
Shout out šŸŽ™ļøšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼
Need your help!
I plan to launch a 4-Week Basketball Boot Camp Its an online training program / community that will help players prepare for the upcoming season. 4 weeks Free Guidance on what to do at home Drills / Structure / Group Accountability Weekly Webinar Calls Q&A Community Support Etc Will do a group for Middle School age. Potentially HS Will start at 1 cohort, and build from there When "advertising" or reaching out to potential participants, I have put together 3 statements describing what it is. Would love to get your vote on the best one? Which would peak your interest the most? Or if you have feedback, shoot me a private message on how I can make it better. Will keep it to about 8-10 participants for the first cohort. Thank you for your help!!
2 members have voted
A lesson you learned during sports?
I am excited to learn from the group!! Would love to hear from each of you. What lesson did you learn from your time in playing sports? I'll share first ..... Played basketball growing up. Rec leagues / Middle School / Etc...not really AAU. Moving into freshman year... I made the freshman team...played above average minutes for that team. Fast forward to tryouts my Sophomore year. My parents kept encouraging me to practice / get reps / volume reps / shoot more / dribble more, etc I would play 5on5 at a local park for hours, but "worked on my game" for an allotted amount of time that I thought was enough. During tryouts, I was out of shape, and was missing a lot of basic fundamentals of the game, and clearly didn't rep important parts of the game enough. Didn't make the team. My outcome, in this example, was in my control I was content / complacent, and that my efforts leading up to that year, wasnā€™t enough. It was my fault. Great lesson learned, and I'm thankful I learned this shortcoming in the sports setting! My training and preparation for tryouts, was not obsessive enough!! ... You're up
New comment Aug 19
A lesson you learned during sports?
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