Most people who think they’re depressed aren’t!
The mental condition depression gets thrown around a lot these days.
But before anyone diagnoses themselves with depression have a think about this.
Are they really depressed or have they got a shit life?
If you’re not in good health, have a poor family life or a none existent one, don’t have any meaningful relationships, are short on money because you are unskilled, don’t train, and aren’t doing anything for your soul and aren't tied to a community where you participate.
Are you really depressed?
In the past I have said depression isn’t real and the reason for that is because a lot of the time it isn’t.
People aren’t looking after the areas of their lives as mentioned above.
In some cases yes it’s an actual thing where there is an actual imbalance in someone’s brain.
But in most cases that’s not the truth.
Look at the factors I’ve mentioned above and think which of these do I need to work on.
Personally I have a few that let me down and I am working on.
Most people ain’t depressed they just have shit life and that can be fixed!
1 comment
Imthiaz Ghulam
Most people who think they’re depressed aren’t!
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