Bare Journey Inner Circle
Private group
7 members
Greetings and Welcome! Please read our Community Guidelines.
Be civil. Avoid offensive comments, hate speech, or any form of discrimination.
Keep language clean and appropriate. No profanity.
Keep discussions relevant.
Avoid posting personal promotion content.
No spamming.
No trolling, flaming, or any form of harassment.
Disagreements should be expressed constructively and respectfully.
Don't share personal information about yourself or others.
Use credible information when sharing information or news.
Plagiarism is not allowed.
Report suspicious activity to moderators.
Avoid duplicate posts.
Use clear and concise titles to reflect content.
Be constructive with feedback. Destructive criticism isn't productive.
Don't share copyrighted text, images, videos and media without permission.
Don't share, promote, or discuss illegal activities or content.
We reserve the rights to modify community guidelines, at any time. It's your responsibility to check back periodically for updates.
The Bare Journey Team
Bare Journey Inner Circle
"...carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love." Jude 1:20
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