I'm the owner of Bricks and Minifigs Lomita, Miguel. Also known as @LEGO_MIGZ on Instagram. We poured our hearts out into our store and in return have built an amazing LEGO Community of MOC builders, Clone collectors, Stop animation Creators, have become friends with LEGO Masters and even my employees have created some names for themselves. I decided to start a group that would bring all the people that have helped make our store so great together and accessible for anything from tips and pointers to chats and courses. I'm going to be posting about events, podcasts, interviews, Content Creators, LEGO Masters, Ambassadors, Stop animation courses, Habitat courses, MOCs, diorama building, and even Illegal LEGO techniques! Feels free to drop some suggestions and pointers that would improve our community's experience. Thanks and welcome to the Lomita BAM Fam!