Hello Aviators! I am a 30 year veteran CFI and corporate pilot. Did you know that only 30 percent of the jobs out there are airline jobs? The other 70 percent of jobs are corporate, part 135, and part 91 jobs! There is little to no information about these jobs on purpose. We hide! And yet we are were most of the jobs openings are located. How do you interview for a corporate job? Talking about tearing up the skies in your Cessna 172 may not impress an experienced captain.
Here is a topic you could talk about on your interview. The air door to heaven on a corporate aircraft! Truly, the air door may be one of the most dangerous parts of the plane for your passengers. One of my first officers saved the owner of the company one evening! Saving a passenger is about the greatest gift you can give to your captain. I pray that you enjoy the article!
God Bless! Keep Flying Speed!
Captain Robert “That Guy” Riter
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