Ad review - AI Made Easy 1/1-1/13/24
Hi @Tammy Pereira . Here are results from my most recent ad for AI Made Easy Summit. Total 31 leads. $111 spent. Looks like my Cost per lead is $3.6 which is the lowest I've had for ads from this summit so far. My CTR-All is 7% which I read as good as above 3%. CTR-Link Click Through is 2.8% (which I'm reading as good as it's above 1% so interested audience). But my CPM cost per 1000 impressions is high $62, If I remember correctly it should be under $40. Impressions: 1,797 Rach 1,197. Link clicks: 51 but 31 total leads. So that means only 60% became leads of of those who clicked, right? *By country I added Canada this time and 10 leads were from Canada, 21 from USA. My Canadian audience had cost per lead $3.34, USA $3.67. *By Gender: 12 leads were women, 18 men. *By Age: 12 ages 45-54 9 ages 55-64 4 35-44 3 25-34 4 65+ *By Platform: 16 from Facebook Mobile App 5 from IG Feed 2 IG Stories 4 Mobile web feed 1 FB reel 1 Desktop feed My Audience was: Age: 35 - 65+ People who match: Interests: Dean Graziosi, Coaching, Amy Porterfield, Seth Godin, iPEC Coaching, Brené Brown, Jack Canfield, Rich Dad, Wellness Coach, Female Entrepreneur Association, Brendon Burchard - Live. Love. Matter., Marie Forleo or Russell Brunson, Behaviors: Facebook Page admins, Job title: Certified Health Coach or Life coaching Winning creative conclusions: - "Click to start watching now" was the best headline (24 clicks), CPR $3.05 - Worst headline was "GET FREE ACCESS TODAY" - Cost per result was $9.56! - SIGN UP was the best performing CTA 26 clicks as opposed to Learn More got 4 clicks - Best performing image was the one with all speakers featured 23 leads ****Question: What can I do to make the CPM lower? ANything else that stands out or any advice? I want to re-run it with tweaks, should I change up the audience?