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🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
Featuring a Community Member's Success Using AI Introducing Agnieszka @Agnieszka Obara, a new member of AI Authority Insiders and an enthusiastic content creator. Hailing from Poland but residing in the UK for the past 18 years, AO brings her unique perspective to the community. AO's energy is contagious. We are thrilled she dove into the AI Advantage Masterclass and excited to have her join us in AI Authority Insiders. Energy and Excitement: She's excited to be part of the community and has already expressed that she feels she's in the right place. Her enthusiasm is evident in her eagerness to learn and her positive outlook on the journey ahead. Desire to Learn: AO is here to enhance her AI skills and leverage them for building a successful business. Her commitment to improvement shines through as she actively participates in community discussions and embraces AI-powered tools. Quotes Highlighting AO's Journey With AI: 1. "This exercise is amazing! It breaks down your business into pieces (literally) and you pick up everything nicely into one cohesive unit! I love it 😍 Can't wait where it takes me 🤗" 2. "The prompts are genius! They give so much detail. I've always struggled with describing my 'ideal' customer. My work will be so much easier from now on. 🎉" AO's vibrant spirit and dedication to growth are inspiring. We look forward to witnessing her journey and the incredible impact she's bound to make with her newfound AI skills within the community. Here's to AO's exciting future with AI Authority Insiders! 🚀 Click here to learn more»
New comment Oct '23
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
Featuring a Community Member's Success Using AI Introducing the Remarkable @Tina Lorenz! 👑 Get ready to meet Tina Lorenz, the ChatGPT guru and Queen of Copy! With her expertise in humanizing and optimizing ChatGPT, Tina's contributions to our community are nothing short of extraordinary. Her passion for turning words into 💰 and her impeccable marketing strategy and copywriting skills make her a standout member of AI Advantage Masterclass and AI Authority Insiders. 🚀 Key Highlights: 🧠 ChatGPT Extraordinaire: Tina's mastery of ChatGPT is awe-inspiring. She leverages this technology to its fullest potential, harnessing its power to enhance marketing strategies and create compelling copy. 💡 Continuous Learning: Tina's enthusiasm for learning and sharing her insights is contagious. Her comments reflect her commitment to staying at the forefront of AI advancements and her dedication to helping others navigate this exciting landscape. 🤖 AI Advocate: Tina is a staunch advocate for AI and technology. She recognizes their transformative potential and is unafraid to embrace these innovations, leading the way for others in her field. Quotes to Illuminate Tina's Journey: 1. "I'm with you 100% on the whole aspect of AI, especially ChatGPT--after 20 years online as a freelance copywriter, this is an incredible way to go next level." 2. "Thank you, it has actually reignited my love of copywriting and marketing--to the point I'm often awake at 3 am thinking about it--haven't done THAT in a while! 😆" 3. "I had a freaking amazing "conversation" with it yesterday that gave me SO many new ideas and then helped me develop them further. this is where the "mind blown" part often comes into play!" Tina Lorenz's journey is a testament to the limitless possibilities that AI and ChatGPT offer. Her dedication, humor, and passion are truly inspiring! 🌟✨
New comment Sep '23
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
Featuring a Community Member's Success Using AI Introducing the Inspiring @Sarah Goodell! 🌟 Get ready to meet Sarah Goodell, the creative force behind Autumn Dahlia Creative Services! Her dedication to crafting audacious and eco-friendly designs that captivate brands truly sets her apart. Sarah's journey is fueled by her membership in both AI Advantage Masterclass and AI Authority Insiders, a testament to her commitment to excellence and innovation. 🎨 Creative Dynamo: As the driving force behind Autumn Dahlia Creative Services, Sarah's passion for bold and sustainable designs shines brightly. Her enthusiasm for her craft is infectious, inspiring others in the community to reach for creative heights. 💡 Tech Enthusiast: Sarah's embrace of AI and technology is awe-inspiring. She recognizes the power of AI as a tool to amplify creativity and efficiency, and she's eager to lead the way in adopting these advancements. 💬 Empowering Voice: Sarah's valuable insights and wisdom regarding AI's integration into creative processes are enlightening. Her thoughtful comments showcase her forward-thinking mindset and her unwavering belief in the potential of AI technology. Quotes to Showcase Sarah's Journey: "Kim is definitely THE person to learn AI mastery from. Her tips and tricks have saved me so much time in my graphic design business. :)" "This is definitely an amazing community to learn from and be a part of. @Kim Garst doesn't know it yet, but her teachings are why I landed a new 2k client this week! "If we are confident in our skills, if we continue to improve and, of course, embrace new technologies as we are presented with them, we will continue to grow. If we choose to remain stagnant and do the opposite, AI-empowered marketers, designers, and content creators will replace those that don't want to embrace new technology. AI is an extremely powerful tool to add to our arsenal, and there's no reason not to embrace that."
New comment Sep '23
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
Featuring a Community Member's Success Using AI This week, we're thrilled to shine the spotlight on @Robin McIntire! 🌟 Robin is a Women's Life Coach, specializing in health and wellness. With a deep passion for empowering high-achieving women, Robin has embarked on an exciting journey within our AI Advantage Masterclass and AI Authority Insiders community. Her commitment to health and wellness aligns perfectly with the community's focus, and her vibrant energy and enthusiasm light up our discussions. As a proud purchaser of AI Advantage Masterclass and a dedicated member of AI Authority Insiders, Robin is harnessing the power of AI to elevate her coaching practice. 🔥 Highlights: 🌟 Energized Engagement: Robin's dynamic participation infuses the community with a vibrant spirit. Her dedication to empowering high-achievers is truly inspiring. 🎯 Laser-Focused Learning: With a clear focus on her health and wellness coaching niche, Robin immerses herself in AI Advantage Masterclass and AI Authority Insiders, poised to unleash the full potential of AI technology. 🚀 Unleashing Creativity: Robin's willingness to explore innovative approaches like time-blocking and optimal environments showcases her determination to excel in her coaching practice. Her journey is marked by consistent growth. Quotes to Showcase Robin's Journey: 1. "Getting my messaging nailed down has made a big difference in knowing what I want to create..." 2. "This was so fun! Chat GPT is a lifter-upper, loved the responses! I instantly saw the ease in my new FB Group posts!" 3. THIS! Thank you so much for simplifying all-the-things, Kim! Robin's vibrant engagement, enthusiasm, and commitment to learning make her a true asset to our AI Authority Creators community! 🚀✨ Click here to learn more»
New comment Sep '23
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
Featuring a Community Member's Success Using AI 🎵 Meet @Tonia Stoney : Teaching Harmony Through Music Online 🎵 Tonia Stoney, a true maestro in the art of online music education, is striking the perfect chord within the AI Authority Creators community. Hailing from the world of teaching, mentoring, and coaching kids in piano and music theory, Tonia has seamlessly transitioned her expertise into the digital realm. Her passion for education and the power of technology have found their symphony in this community, as she creates harmonious connections and learns alongside like-minded individuals. 🌟 A Crescendo of Energy and Learning 🌟 Tonia's presence in the community resonates with energy and excitement. Her journey here is akin to a crescendo, building in intensity as she uncovers new insights and opportunities. With each interaction, Tonia showcases an eagerness to learn and a willingness to embrace innovative techniques. 🎶 Tonia's Harmonious Insights Here are a couple melodic quotes from Tonia that strike a chord with her engagement in the community: 🎵 "WOW! I've just started and am already learning. An AHA moment for me was simply learning how to organize the threads in ChatGPT. Another AHA moment is the information AI Advantage is providing to help us and we're just getting started! The market research is already opening my eyes and giving me more clarity in what I want to create. Thanks @Kim Garst and Team!" "#AHA moment - I racked my brain on creating an avatar a month ago prior to joining AI Authority! Wish I found this community sooner! I now have an avatar with all of the specifics I need to move forward! #mindblowing 🤯" 🎵 Tonia's journey is not just about learning; it's about orchestrating success through collaboration, innovation, and a love for teaching. Her presence in the AI Authority Creators community is like a well-composed concerto, filled with harmonious interactions and a melody of growth.
New comment Sep '23
🎙️ Community Member Spotlight
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