3d ago (edited) in General 🤩
Weekly Update! (Nov 23-29)
Hey everyone,
just a quick Audio Artist Academy Update for this week. More videos are in production for all the courses and programs.
**Mockup Craft**
16 Videos are now avaible for this course.
To keep it simple, sections or videos with an asterisk (*) are still yet to be done.
The price will go up to 69 USD on Monday!
If you are interested to read more about Mockup Craft, check → HERE.
(PS: As with everything, if you are an Audio Artist Rise Member Gold or Platinum or own an Infinity Pass, you have access already for free.)
Please pay attention to the 30 Day Leaderboard on the right. If you make it to the Top 1, you will get a free 30 min 1:1 video call and we can talk about whatever you need help and support with! There is still time until the 12th of October.
Alex Pfeffer
Weekly Update! (Nov 23-29)
Audio Artist Academy
Empowering audio artists to transform their passion into a thriving career.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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