Label/Sync advice
Can anyone with experience offer advice for the questions I have?
Regarding using material I have already released using an aggregator (Distrokid)
Firstly, does it matter that I already have released material with isrc codes?
I've been hesitant to sign up to sync that are for artists, it seems to me a lot of these organizations that offer sync for your music are somewhat like car salesmen/snake oil pitches about your music.
That has turned me off and I don't know who to trust.
Should I cold email labels? how should I tackle this? who should I be contacting?
before you comment I'll say the common negative advice here so you don't have to ๐Ÿ˜†:
"its a flooded market!", "Its quantity over quality", "don't bother!!!", "You'll never get a placement as a newb!"
Here's some of my music so you can get an idea
Hope you are all well and in good health!
Christopher Rocky
Label/Sync advice
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