Introducing myself
Hi, I’m Tammy and some here may have seen me around Tara and KG’s Ascension Academy of Light on FB or in one of the programs/containers we may have been in together.
I’ll be honest, I began this awakening process and journey back in 2020 and here we are in 2024 and I am still not sure of a lot and am still peeling back layers and still, more often than not, feel like I don’t have a clue what I am here for other than finding my way back to mySelf. There is a whole lot going on yet not a lot going on at the same time, there is a lot of moments of crystal clarity and many moments of clear as mud…. I am stepping in to embracing it all and putting less pressure on myself, cause I have this thing I’m moving through a.k.a. Need for validation and need to make others happy (my fantasy’s of what I think others expect of me). YA it is a whole 🌪️ lol.
I am happy to see this community branch away from FB, the vibes there just kept highjacking my conscious mind, energy and distracting me.
So here I am and I am making this promise to myself, and anyone else here, that I won’t try to appear to be something I am not, I will be honest and raw and true.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and to get to know me a little bit,
Tammy Piercey
Introducing myself
Ascension Adventures
Meditations, spiritual practices, energy healing & tools for intuition development & manifestation.
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