Ascending Spiral Tribe
Private group
45 members
$39 /month
Welcome to our Family of Light! Please add your Bio and Photo to help connect with each other.
The Ascending Spiral Tribe Membership was created to support your personal spiritual process and transformation. We will be using AA Metatron's technique, the Quantum Access® method in our Live energy work.
We meet once a month and work together in the Quantum Vortex doing Group Energy Clearings & answering your questions and addressing your pressing issues.
  • Upcoming Zoom Meeting Links are posted in our Community Calendar.
  • LIVE Members Replays will be posted in the Classroom
  • Quantum Access® Meditation Downloads: posted to support your progress
  • Safe Container: Private space to share, heal and receive support in a like-minded community.
  • Community Networking: Meet people who are on the same path as you
  • Chat with Meg, Manette and other Members
We are gathering from all around the world to unite together as we activate our Soul's incarnation and build the new earth timeline. Namaste!
Ascending Spiral Tribe
Join a vibrant supportive tribe of spiritual ninjas! Monthly Zoom Mentoring with Quantum Access® Founder, Meg Benedicte & CoHost, Manette Mays.
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