Your Super-Simple ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
Hey there,
You want to learn about ChatGPT, right? It's a cool tool that can help you do lots of things. Think of it like a super-smart computer friend who can talk to you and write things for you.
I know all the cheat sheets out there can be confusing. Some are too hard to understand. Some don't have all the information you need.(see images)
Don't worry, I'm here to help! Let's create a ChatGPT cheat sheet together that's easy to understand, even for a fifth grader!
Your Super-Simple ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a computer program. It can understand what you say and write. It can also write things back to you. Imagine it like a really smart robot that can have conversations and write stories, emails, or even code!
How to Talk to ChatGPT
ChatGPT needs instructions to know what to do. We call these instructions prompts. It's like giving directions to your friend.
Here's how it works:
  1. Go to the ChatGPT website:
  2. Type your prompt in the box: For example, you can ask "Write a funny story about a cat who loves pizza."
  3. Press Enter: ChatGPT will think for a bit and then write something back to you.
Here are some simple tricks to get the best results from ChatGPT:
  • Be clear and specific: Tell ChatGPT exactly what you want. For example, instead of saying "Write something about dogs," you can say "Write a short poem about a golden retriever puppy."
  • Use keywords: Keywords are important words that help ChatGPT understand what you are looking for. If you want a story about a superhero, use words like "superpowers," "villain," and "rescue."
  • Give examples: If you want ChatGPT to write in a certain style, show it an example. You can say, "Write a poem like this one: [paste an example poem]."
  • Break down big tasks: If you have a big task, break it into smaller parts. For example, if you want to write a story, first ask ChatGPT for ideas, then ask for an outline, and then ask it to write each part of the story.
ChatGPT Can Help You With...
  • Writing: ChatGPT can write stories, poems, emails, letters, essays, and more!
  • Schoolwork: Need help with a report or essay? ChatGPT can give you ideas and help you write.
  • Learning new things: ChatGPT can explain things in a simple way, like a teacher.
  • Fun stuff: You can ask ChatGPT to write jokes, riddles, or even song lyrics!
Examples of Easy Prompts:
  • "Write a short story about a talking dog."
  • "Tell me five interesting facts about dinosaurs."
  • "Create a simple recipe for chocolate chip cookies."
  • "Help me write a thank you letter to my grandma."
  • "Explain how gravity works."
Important Things to Remember:
  • ChatGPT isn't always perfect: It can sometimes make mistakes or give wrong information. Always check what it writes.
  • Be kind: Treat ChatGPT like a friend, even if it's a computer. Use polite words and be respectful.
  • Have fun! ChatGPT is a tool for learning and creativity. Explore and experiment to see what you can create together!
Let's Make It Even Better!
This is just a starting point. We can make this cheat sheet even better together. What else do you want to know about ChatGPT?
What kind of prompts are you interested in? I've added a bunch of the cheat sheets others have made here and more to come in the classroom... :)
Tell me your ideas, and I'll help you add them to our cheat sheet!
Bonus: I made a Custom GPT here with Lot's of helpful guidance... Enjoy!
Nicolaus Nosewicz
Your Super-Simple ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
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