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Warrick and I know a lot about amazifying plants, making insane art and being cool. We are mad keen to chat to you and find out how we can help you best!!! Shoot any question, even if you feel like it’s silly and we’ll take our time to explain it well.
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Let’s hear what YOU WANT to find here?
What would you like to see here in this group? What where you expecting to find here? What would You like to learn about plants and artistic design?? Please comment below and be honest! What do YOU want?
How to Create like a Master Immediately
Act like Boss Creative = Making Shit up + Abusing Art Rules + Stealing Make Shit up = Trial and Error. Analyse what you have and imagine what could fit. Or do something random and see if it works or not. Let yourself be surprised by what’s possible from experimentation. Iterate. Refine what you have until it’s boss. Abuse Art Rules = They’re professional tools that are here to 100x your artwork appeal. Without them applied it will look average. Use Shape, Colour, Contrast, Pattern, Dimension, Flow, Light and Shadow to play on our natural instincts for beauty. Steal = Observe what makes a design you love so good-looking and apply that to what you create. Every great artist does this! Don’t limit yourself to your own head. examples Chop all your plants so they follow a curved line that you found cool on a sports car. Fix a colour clash zone with pink, teal, fresh green, orange and purple: take out all purple plants and it’ll become a saucy split complementary contrast. Chop boring ball-like bushes into a dented dice shape. Add straight triangular leaves into a zone of round leaves. Create a perfectly contrasting background wall of plants for your garden strip Chop off all left-facing branches of every plant in your garden Stick some white or neon yellow plants into the darker zones Cut some plants into tubes or other random shapes Keep chiseling, simplifying, complexifying and keep coming back to it with fresh eyes, so it can become something truly amazing and worth looking at!
New comment Aug 10
How to Create like a Master Immediately
Inspiration station!
Every time I step outside into nature I see design inspiration. Take a look at this incredible ficus tree and out crazy aerial roots. Or this one’s giant buttressed root system.
Inspiration station!
Tradescantia is underrated!
Check out these cool tradescantia varieties. The green one is wild here and fully prolific.
Tradescantia is underrated!
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