Mar 25 (edited) in Introduction
START HERE: Welcome to the High Performers Club
Welcome to the New Standrd High Performers Club.
You are here because you are different. You are set apart. You have a desire to be great, design an abundant life, and surround yourself with incredible humans.
With that being said, drop down and introduce yourself, read over the community guidelines, and get active in here!
Step 1:
IMPORTANT- First please introduce yourself in the Introduction channel using this copy/paste template:
Who are you and what do you do?
What inspires you?
What's your goal inside this community?
Step 2: Best practices
1) Have a profile photo.
2) Be you. Be authentic.
3) Collaborate. Network. Go out of your way to meet others. Your network is your net worth.
4) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up!
Group Rules:
Respect. Everyone is a human.
No spamming or self-promoting - But collaborate and network with intention!
Privacy and confidentiality
*This group is full of incredible people and we take their privacy very seriously. If any disrespect to others in the group or to the group rules is reported, you will be out on first offense.
New Standrd
START HERE: Welcome to the High Performers Club
New Standrd
High performers living expressive lives.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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