Richard van der Blom on Social Selling: A Wild Ride Through the LinkedIn Jungle! 🐒
I am new to Richard van der Blom. But here is my take thus far: The guy knows LinkedIn better than you know your morning coffee order at Bigbucks coffee shop. At this live event, Richard dove into LinkedIn's latest content mysteries. My fave was how influencers try to capture the spotlight with killer posts that end up being the influencer doing a Kill Bill session in the kitchen with a broken AI post.
If you are like me, nothing says attention grade like listening to Richards' content at ludicrous speed—by you, do you? Could you grab the link in the comments below? Thanks!
A few Glod nuggets I got out of the live show:
💥 LinkedIn has evolved—have you caught up? Seriously, it’s like a plot twist every month.
💥 LinkedIn’s love language has changed—they’re swiping right on certain content types and ghosting others.
💥 AI overload is real. We’re drowning in robo-posts, people.
💥 InMail fatigue—No one’s loving those "Hi [First Name], I see we have mutual connections" messages anymore.
💥 Vertical video is king—Think Instagram-style. It's time to hold your phone upright like it’s 2015!
💥 Company pages—Once adored, now... less so. Use them for thought leadership, not a sales pitch.
🤔 Richard's Challenge: Your profile and content strategy must be on point. Visitors will check out your posts before they even glance at your profile. My question is: When they do, what jaw-dropping brilliance will they discover about you?
💡 Content Strategy Breakdown: I love my Granny - this is comedy folks.
💥 Educational post (Max reach): “5 Ways to Get Granny to Nowheresville—Better, Faster, Cheaper!”
💥 Best practice post (Use case): “How We Gave Granny That Final Nudge Over the Hill and Into Nowheresville.”
💥 Strategic content (Expert mode): “The Ultimate Guide to Granny-Pushing—We Know Every Pothole and Rock on the Way Down.”
💥 Conversion post (CTA time!): “Looking to send someone to Nowheresville? We’ve got you covered. Faster than you think, cheaper than you expect, and NO refunds. Ever.” 💪😜
💡 Fun Fact: The posts with the biggest reach probably won’t be your conversion posts, so don’t expect your “Hey, let’s chat!” CTA to light the world on fire. But do it anyway. 🔥
💡 If you’re still reading, stop. Go watch Richard van der Blom’s full video—it’s packed with more goodness than I can cram into this post. Give him a shout-out while you're at it—this guy's the real deal. 🙌
Thomas Chappell
Richard van der Blom on Social Selling: A Wild Ride Through the LinkedIn Jungle! 🐒
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