AOS Annual Coaching Group
Private group
48 members
$177 /month
This is an annualised plan for parent coaching. This includes all parent coaching programs we have:
  1. Talk To Me (non-verbal program) - $1,400 in value
  2. Let's Talk More (single word -> sentences program) - $1,400 in value
  3. Tell My Why (Verbal Reasoning & Sequence Description program) - $997 in value
You will have unlimited access to all the coaching programs above for 1 year.
We will coach you until your child talks.
Join now, and you'll get an onboarding call with Ming ($127 in value)
I'll personally assign you a program and get you ready
We'll also have monthly Q&A calls to ensure you're all caught up ($1,164 in value).
A whole year of coaching for $1,777 (70% off).
That's $6.8 per day - 260 working days a year
Feel free to DM me on Skool or email if you have questions
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This is a group by Agents of Speech
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