Testing + Updates
testing phase goes very well... right now not posting much, because running stores is and will still be our main business!
I explained everything what we are doing in testing phase in upcoming youtube videos, so stay tuned and give me feedback how you like that raw dropshipping content (not too fancy sorry)
Also we decided we will not take everyone into the paid training and of course not in our 1:1. We still doing well with our stores, we don't need to take everyone. We just want people with high work ethic, the right mentality - just a fucking winner mindset!
We can't make you rich fast. And we will not teach you silly dropshipping strategies. We teach marketing & sales principles, that will never change. You will be able to apply this to a lot of areas in your life and will be able to make money for live, with the principles we teach. We teach you real business.
Stay tuned guys, we put in a lot of work right now.
ahhh.. and we search for strategic partners in spain/scandinavia (needs to be native, much experience not needed, you will get teached by us)
Alex Wve
Testing + Updates
Dropshipping Crew
How I repeatedly scale Dropshipping stores to millions in sales and why my systems will work forever
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