How to warm up a new ad account
Hello everyone,
I'm new here and first of all, I'd like to thank you for establishing this community and offering your support without expecting anything in return.
Now, let me get straight to my questions:
Given situation: I have an older but long inactive personal Facebook profile and would like to create a Business Manager using it.
1. How do we warm up a completely fresh Business Manager and ad account?
1.1. For example, would it be sufficient to run a Like campaign for a Facebook page or Instagram page with a daily spend of 1 - 3€ for 7-14 days, followed by another 7-14 days of a conversion campaign with a daily budget of 10-20€?
1.2. Can the Facebook or Instagram page for which we want to advertise belong to someone else, or must the owner of the Business Manager and the page be identical?
1.3. Can the page be a personal profile, or does it have to be a business page?
Hüseyin B
How to warm up a new ad account
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