Yall, i need help ima start from the beginning, i first ran ads on tic tok, and my metrics were looking alright i would get about 50 visits and 10 add to carts a day, and i got 2 sales within the first 2 days(pic 1, the spike is when i started on Facebook), but i decided that i would try to run Facebook ads because i thought this would be a good product to run on there, so i then tried to make a new pixel, and then ran into the issue where they need to check my shop info(pic 2), and I've waited a few days but i didn't want to wait the up to 4 weeks for them to check my shop, and that brings us to the REAL issue, i decided to try to run ads on the old pixel that i used, I didn't use it much so i figured eh. but now im getting about 5x the amount of visits(pic 3)but barely any atc's. so i guess im just wondering if they are real people and i need to change my offer or if I just need to stop and wait. (if i have to wait I'm thinking of dropping the product) also ask for any other Screen shot's
Jourdan Voigt
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