The future of work will have more talking and less typing
Work is going to look very different in the future...and luckily you can start using these powerful techniques now
(insights from top AI nonprofit expert Anne Murphy)
As AI becomes more and more powerful...What is going to be left for humans to do?
And how will the work flow change as we use it augment our own abilities with the power of AI?
One possibility...Is that we have a planning meeting to plan out a project and make key decisions.
Then we feed the transcript into AI to execute on all the decisions that were made.
Why do I think this could be the future?
Because a lot of people (myself included) are already doing this...And it literally saves hundreds of hours of work.
I still get the make the decisions, but AI helps with all the tedious work to execute the project.
Are you using an AI meeting note taker or processing your transcripts with AI?
Is that something you want to learn?
What success are you finding in this process?
Kevin Hardin
The future of work will have more talking and less typing
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