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AI For Social Good

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Impact Leaders Leveraging AI for Social Good

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The 1% AI Mastermind

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6 contributions to AI For Social Good
Aloha, I am Michelle Rios born/raised in Austin, Texas, most of my adult life anchored in Washington, DC, in 2017 semi-retired to Honolulu with my amazing husband(born here) of 23 years and our 2 rescue dogs. We love turtles and trees. Hubby is Executive Director of Hawaii Forest Industry Association. So I volunteer on their committee for wood artisan show and creating Digital Assets for their membership. I have just started making Chat Bots and Chat Agents to automate their social media and act as their assistant to handle phone calls and emails. They are foresters and most of them are quite terrible at digital anything. They much prefer to be outside.
New comment 1d ago
0 likes โ€ข 2d
Hi @Michelle Rios !! I'm jealous that you are so close to the ocean! I moved back to Ohio from San Diego about a year ago and have really been missing surfing and the ocean. I am also a lover of trees and the forest. I've found it interesting that the more I use AI the more I need dedicated nature time. I wonder if you have found the same thing. Would love to connect and learn more about how you are using AI to handle phone calls and emails.
What's your mission for helping? (Introduce Yourself)
Welcome to the AI For Social Good Community Group! Introduce yourself and how you are contributing to make the world a better place by answering the following questions 1. Who are you helping? 2. How are you helping? 3. (Optional) Share a link to a website or LinkedIn profile to share more details There are so many things that need fixed in our communities and our environment. And everyone has unique passions for how they are working towards a better world. So share yours and say hello to fellow social impact leaders that are committed to using AI for good.
New comment 3d ago
0 likes โ€ข 4d
@Luke Wilkinson Welcome Luke! Looks like you are doing very similar work in helping nonprofits leverage AI. Do you have any 'wins' to share?
0 likes โ€ข 3d
@Simon Allen Love your focus on supporting older folks. Thanks for sharing the GPT assistant. Will check it out and share with others that need governance help in the UK.
The future of work will have more talking and less typing
Work is going to look very different in the future...and luckily you can start using these powerful techniques now (insights from top AI nonprofit expert Anne Murphy) As AI becomes more and more powerful...What is going to be left for humans to do? And how will the work flow change as we use it augment our own abilities with the power of AI? One possibility...Is that we have a planning meeting to plan out a project and make key decisions. Then we feed the transcript into AI to execute on all the decisions that were made. Why do I think this could be the future? Because a lot of people (myself included) are already doing this...And it literally saves hundreds of hours of work. I still get the make the decisions, but AI helps with all the tedious work to execute the project. Are you using an AI meeting note taker or processing your transcripts with AI? Is that something you want to learn? What success are you finding in this process?
The future of work will have more talking and less typing
Beware of the AI trap
AI can write faster than you can...but is that a good thing? As the world gets more and more obsessed with AI and how it can increase efficiency we also need to slow down and take a critical look at what it is creating And ask ourselves..."Is this good?"" "Am I willing put to put my name on this?" Because there is a trap if you aren't careful It is totally possible to speed up your writing by 10X But if the quality is bad and it feels robotic and generic then it might do more harm then good. There are ways to have both increased quantity and increased quality...but it takes time and effort and some domain expertise So my advice to you is this...start using AI but don't forget your judgement and critical thinking
Beware of the AI trap
Why you shouldn't ask "Can AI do this?"
The answer is always YES... The real question you should be asking is "Can AI do this well?" And "Do I have the expertise to tell if what it produces is good". I've been teaching tolks to consider AI a "Say Yes Machine" It always tries to do the thing you ask (unless it's wildly unethical) I have taught hundreds of nonprofit leaders and business owners how to start leveraging AI After showing a series of live demonstrations... I often I get a series of questions asking... Can AI [do this] What about this? The answer is always yes! But the trick of using AI... Is having enough experience and domain expertise to tell if the thing it produced is actually good and useful for you. I rarely take the first response from ChatGPT Giving feedback a few times will improve the results each time and get the output to be closer to the thing you actually want and need. Has AI surprised you recently or are you over that phase?
New comment Jul 15
Why you shouldn't ask "Can AI do this?"
0 likes โ€ข Jul 15
The most wild experiment I did that did surprise me was to have AI pretend to be both a democrat and a republican and start arguing. And then continue to get more mean and conspiratorial... After that... I knew AI would basically write anything, And I changed my focus to be on tasks that were actually useful.
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Amplifying social impact by leveraging AI

Active 12h ago
Joined Jun 2, 2024
Columbus Ohio
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