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Just started today, i am trying to rank this web site
New comment 1d ago
Hello Everyone
Hi Community, I am new here as well as in this platform. Really don't know how things work here. I actually came for learning AI Article writing which I don't understand how to get.
New comment 3d ago
Request Prompts
Please share SEO Optimzed Blog article Perfect Prompts
New comment 3d ago
How To Actually Make a Good PROMPT?
I often get asked, “How do I make a good prompt?” I’m no prompt engineer, but I’ve picked up some tips that have worked wonders for me, and I wanted to share them with you. First off, after diving into OpenAI’s and Google’s advice on prompting (Attached) , I’ve learned that different tasks need different prompting styles. Here are the two main ones that stand out: 1. Chain of Thought Prompting: Guide the AI step by step, build the prompt gradually, and then hit it with your final question. It’s like leading the AI to the answer you want. 2. One-Shot Prompting: The classic. Throw everything into one long prompt and hope the AI nails it in one go. Now, here’s what I’ve found to be the most effective way to create a prompt: 1. Give the AI a Persona: Need SEO advice? Tell it to act like an SEO copywriting expert. 2. Provide Background: Let the AI know your project details. More context means better results. 3. Define the Output: Be clear on what you want—markdown, HTML, short answers, detailed explanations—spell it out. These three steps have drastically improved my prompts, whether I’m using ChatGPT, Claude, or Google’s Gemini. But hey, if you’re here for the shortcuts, I’ve got you covered. One of my favorite hacks is letting AI generate prompts for you. Check out Sam, the Prompt Creator in the GPT store—this tool is a game changer. And don’t miss Anthropic’s Generate a Prompt tool in their console section—it’s a quick and easy way to level up your prompts. Give these a try and see how they can boost your results. And if you want to learn how to use these tools to maximize your SEO, make sure to dive deeper into our Premium community. We’re here to help you rank higher and work smarter! Happy prompting! 🚀
New comment 5d ago
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