Color Palettes from ChatGPT
I've been using ChatGPT for many months now to create sets of color palettes with hex codes.
Today I tried something different. I asked ChatGPT to describe this image. Then I asked for a color palette. It took several minutes, and it paused a few times, but ultimately provided an analysis of the character with RGB colors.
I then asked for a conversion to hex colors. It was able to provide those. It runs several Python scripts, there's a bit of commentary from ChatGPT, and then it summarizes and provides the results.
The entire analysis is way too long to post here, however, here is how I asked:
First, I uploaded the character image below. I asked: "Hi, can you please describe this character?"
After receiving the description, I replied: "Thanks! Is it possible to generate a basic color palette from this image?" (I'm always polite in my responses. Yeah, I know, it's weird 😆)
In the first response, it returned all grays. The interesting thing to me is that it knew this was not the important parts of the image, and in the third image, you can see its response.
Ultimately, it provided four colors, with hex codes.
While this is really useful, I think it's a lot faster for me to just open the image in Milanote and extract the colors with the eyedropper tool. BUT - this is a fantastic Python script for automatic palette extraction, and it's still extremely useful.
I think if it could run the analysis just a little bit faster, and I ask for the hex codes in the initial request, it will be faster than manually pulling the colors.
In the last image, I added color swatches in the Milanote app, using the colors provided by ChatGPT.
Hope this is useful or interesting to someone! Ultimately I use these images with color swatches for mood boards and reference when working on non-ai art like sculpting or painting, etc.
Donnie Maynard Christianson
Color Palettes from ChatGPT
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