Building an active Community!
Hello, my friends!
I started this group for AI artists and enthusiasts about 2 weeks ago, and I am really happy to have you on board! Many of you provide a ton of value, share your knowledge, give great advice, encourage each other, and always find friendly words!
This is exactly how I want our community to be! However, our community already appears on Google and here in Skool, and some people who do not have much to do with AI have also joined the group. The problem with this is that they don't participate in discussions, don't post anything, or even introduce themselves.
Our community will rank better on Skool if we have a high engagement. I can see the metrics of our group, and the engagement dropped to 0 in the last few days. Before, it was about 75%.
I would say it's time for a clean-up! 😅 Comment on this post, that you want to stay in the group, how you work with AI, and what you want to share with us!
An email will be sent, please comment in 24 hours! Inactive members will be removed. (Students of my paid course AIBM will still have access because I host the course here.)
Also, to prevent a mass run of inactive users, this group will be a paid group soon! No worries, if you are already here and are active, you can stay for free forever!
You can also invite your friends who are working with AI and would be active here! Tell them to set up a bio as an AI artist and answer the questions before joining the group!
The group will be paid from 01.02.24.
So, no panic on Titanic; if you want to stay, comment here and share your tips with us in different categories!
Kindly, your host,
Complete action
Stella Sky
Building an active Community!
AI Business Mastermind
Passionate AI artist or a curious AI enthusiast who wants to improve and monetize their skills but doesn't know where to start? Start here!
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