3 hacks on how to deal with interruptions
We live in a hyperconnected, hyperactive world. Here are some recommendations to keep your focus:
  1. Use Pomodoro. Default Pomodoro: 25 min focus, 5 min break. I like to do 18 min focus with 2 min breaks. (app hack: Focus To-Do)
  2. Don't break your pomodoro by:
a. Ignoring the message for 5-10 min until your pomodoro will end.
b. Asking the person to wait 5-15 min because you want to finish something (no one usually minds)
3. When you do want to break your flow, write down where you are and what you wanted to do next, so that you don't have to spend 5-20 min remembering where you left off.
Ovidiu Drumia
3 hacks on how to deal with interruptions
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