Think Like This If You Want To Own Reality
(This will be one of the most valuable posts you ever read. Please read it until the end)
Success is 90% mindset and 10% strategy.
The reason why most fail is that they spend 90% of their time on strategy and 10% on mindset.
You have absolutely no idea how truly powerful your mind is.
“The universe is entirely mental. The all is mind. The mind is all” - The Kybalion
This is going to sound a bit weird, but hear me out, what I’m about to share with you is esoteric wisdom from ancient Egyptian civilizations.
Everything is made of matter.
Matter is a collection of particles.
Particles are made of subatomic particles.
Subatomic particles are made of wave potentials which is just another word for consciousness.
And consciousness, at its core, is energy.
Your reality is your consciousness materialized.
And what you haven’t understood this entire time is that money is a SPIRITUAL game.
Let me put it this way.
If everyone in the whole world suddenly had the same amount of money, the same people would gain it all back.
And that’s solely due to your MIND and your frequency (which is the collection of all of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, where you place your attention, and your identity)
And because money is energy, because everything is energy, and God is abundant, it is within YOUR nature to have an abundant relationship with money.
It’s called income because it’s a game of the INNER world.
And that’s exactly why poverty is a disease of the mind.
Because poverty is not normal. And if it is, then it shall be for you.
And by the way, there is nothing honorable about being poor.
Being poor doesn't make you closer to God.
Being poor doesn’t give you access to heaven.
Being poor doesn’t make you better than someone who’s rich.
That’s all cope that you tell yourself so you can feel better.
So if you think $10k/month is an insane amount of money, then you will naturally repel it due to your frequency.
You will never have more money externally than you have internally.
That’s why there’s people that win the lottery and make millions, but due to the fact that they don’t match the frequency of someone who makes millions, they lose it all.
Because the truth is, you can only have what you already have.
“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him” Matthew 13:12
So if you think you deserve a lot of money, but don’t internally feel as if you’re someone that deserves it, you won’t get it.
And that’s exactly why your paradigm is the single most important thing in your life.
Right now, you and everyone else in the world have glasses on.
But they’re tented and invisible, so you don’t realize you have them on.
And they’re making you see the world in a completely different color than what I see them through.
You might be seeing the world through a red lens. While I’m seeing it through a blue one.
I need you to understand - The color you’re seeing the world through will either BUILD or DESTROY your life.
Because how you see something determines how you act towards that thing.
And your life is a sum total of all your actions.
Therefore, the glasses you have on literally determine the quality of your life.
Ex) If you subconsciously believe you’re not deserving of success, then no matter what you do or what you try, failure shall be for you due to the fact that you will unintentionally do everything in your power to sabotage your own results while under the illusion that you’re trying your best.
The next thing - Judgements are one of the largest shareholders of your paradigm.
And that’s due to the simple fact that whatever you judge other people for, it just creates fear within yourself because you’re scared other people will judge you for the same thing.
I’ll give you a couple examples.
If you judge salesmen for being slimy and annoying, you’re going to be scared shitless when you try to sell other people because you’re going to assume that they’re judging you for being slimy and annoying.
If you judge someone making a YouTube video and think they look stupid, you’ll also be scared shitless to record a YouTube video yourself because you’re scared others will think the same.
And that’s exactly why judging other people just creates insecurity and fear within yourself.
And this is all due to the glasses that you have on.
But luckily, you can take those glasses off and replace them for clearer ones.
And at a base-level, this is exactly what it means to work on your mindset.
It’s just shifting your paradigm so you can ascend into the person capable of reaching your goals.
And if I’m telling you that how you see something is how you act towards that thing, and how you act towards that thing creates your life, then that means EVERYTHING in your life is your fault.
Because it’s all a result of the way you view the world, which is COMPLETELY in your hands.
Any problems or undesirable circumstances in your reality are YOUR doing and yours alone.
Your problems are your own mental creations.
Remember, the universe is mental.
Watch your thoughts - they become words.
Watch your words — they become actions.
Watch your actions — they become habits.
Watch your habits — they become character.
Watch your character — it becomes your destiny.
Guard your mind,
Andrew Vargas
Think Like This If You Want To Own Reality
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