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There Are 3 People In Every Business Owner
In every business owner there are three people: Entrepreneur - the dreamer, the visionary, lives in the future, craves control Manager - the person who delegates, lives in the past, craves order Technician - the person who knows how to do something really well, lives in the present, craves solitude from bosses In order for success to come to the business, all three must be engaged. Without all three the business will fail.
New comment May 14
There Are 3 People In Every Business Owner
Hello Everyone!
My name is Ross Yerger. But please call me "Yergz." I'm a former minor league baseball umpire, former Olympic ice hockey referee (sort of) and retired Secret Service Special Agent. I've since entered into the realm of podcasting and radio presenting, with a focus on politics and current events. In effort to better monetize, I've begun selling ad spots on Yergz Radio (Positive Talk in a Negative World), and the soon-to-be launched Rainbow Radio (Serving the LGBTQ Community locally, globally, and everywhere in between). From there, I was shown how to also sell digital marketing from social media, to streaming services like Spotify and the like. Through all of this (I'm good at research), I've found Brill Media and am looking forward to making this happen! I'm guessing that I can be reached here, somehow (Today is Day 1), but until then, say hello via or 1-888-88-YERGZ Keep Talking!
New comment May 10
Biggest Learning?
What's the biggest learning you've seen from the course so far? As I was making this course I realized that I was doing the product market fit work, but I didn't know I was doing it. Crystallizing the concept was so important to help me improve.
New comment May 10
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