After-Skool Collabreate
Public group
7 members
$189 /year
Earn ownership of the online business we build with unlimited revenue potential. Community members take on the task of a placement in the business and learn their position while implementing to build this business. Members are invited to review and sign up for open positions. There is no vetting, the ability to perform each task is at the discretion of each member signing for it. The tasks are educational to the performance applied and ability will increase as the project develops.
This is a learn on the job project and the reason for our community.
Please grab a spot.
When the positions are filled the project will begin. In our initial meeting we will draft our business plan.
Until then members are encouraged to recruit others.
The success of the business will be a reflection of our effort.
After-Skool Collabreate
Members of any skill level actively participate in building an ACTUAL online business from the ground up and earn ownership % based on participation.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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